Brand Development


This third part of the VISION Process is all about the Stand Out.

Did you know that the average person scrolls through 96 metres of social media per day?! That’s the height of Big Ben! According to Google in 2020:

  • 500 million tweets are posted daily
  • More than 350m photos are uploaded each day to Facebook
  • Users ‘like’ 4.2 billion posts per day on Instagram
  • 5 billion YouTube videos are watched every day

…never mind all the other distractions, tasks and people fighting for your target customers’ attention…

This means your brand has less than six seconds to make a great first impression so if it doesn’t stand out (for the right reasons) you simply won’t be seen…


You might love your shiny new brand when it’s first launched…but how does branding affect your business over time?

At InnerVisions ID we know helping you get brand clarity and standing out will supercharge your business growth, but don’t just take our word for it.

In our new blog series, #BrandMatters, we talk to business owners about the impact investing their brand has had on their business.

First up, Adam Houlahan, founder of Prominence Global…

In building your brand, the first of our six-step VISION Process is Visualise, where you start with your big brand aspirations, then the company and customer vision. The second step is what we call the ‘Inner Brand’. Your Inner Brand is the non-visual part, the heart and soul of your brand, or how you make that emotional connection.

Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon famously said, “Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” But what about when *nobody* is in the room? Your brand is now more important than ever. It is out there, representing you when you can’t be in front of your clients. And brand values are a core part of that.

As an entrepreneur, you are probably lucky enough to be doing something you love! But how can you attract customers who will love your business, products or services (almost) as much as you do?

Understanding how to build your brand is vital to achieving this.

Our VISION Process (detailed in my best-selling and award-winning book, Let’s Get Visible!) helps you understand your brand and harness the power of branding to achieve your business aspirations and goals


In 2005, in Mason County Jail, Texas, Sheriff Clint Low decreed that everything in his all-male prison should be pink – walls, bars, sheets, towels, jumpsuits and slippers.

Amazingly, aggression levels plummeted and the fighting stopped. (I guess it’s hard to act the big man when you’re dressed like a baby girl!) Inmates also felt humiliated to be seen doing community service in their town. They didn’t want to have to wear the outfits again so reoffending rates dropped by 70%.

Branding, logo, design

Choosing typefaces for your brand is a hugely important part of what we do when we work with our clients on their branding. 

There are over 100,000 typefaces, and different typefaces will give a very different feel to your brand, so whilst we would always advise working with a professional on this, here’s a quick guide so you can start to understand the styles of typography which will best communicate your brand message.

Richard Branson

If you are in business, you need to be building both your personal and company brand. We started out focusing on creating company brands, but personal brand is a growing part of what we do.

It is important to treat your personal brand and your business brand as two separate entities, (even if your business name is the same as your own, e.g. Stella McCartney the personal brand and Stella McCartney the fashion house brand), especially if you are planning to exit. 

But they also need to support each other. Here are our top tips on building an aligned personal and company brand.